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Eckernfördestr. 2
65195 Wiesbaden
T +49(0) 172 66 22 662
F +49(0) 611 17 47 408

Jutta Schuhn

Finanzamt Wiesbaden
Steuernummer 043 868 02838
Ust. ID-Nr. DE174037170

Responsible for the content according to § 10 section 3 MDStV: Jutta Schuhn

Notice of liability: Keep in Motion does not assume any liability for the content of any third-party sites linked to and points out that it neither has any impact on the design and content of such linked pages nor appropriates the content thereof.

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The names “Keep in Motion und Partner” are subject to copyright laws in their entire appearance.

All rights reserved.

All information contained in this Site, including the design and structure of the templates as well as their content, shall be subject to copyright protection in favour of Keep in Motion, unless otherwise noted.

Any use in extracts, commercial or private use shall require prior written approval by KEEP-IN-MOTION.

Any infringement shall be liable to civil and criminal prosecution by KEEP-IN-MOTION.

Wiesbaden, the 1st May 2015

milchraum werbung & design