THE topic in every fitness centre: effective and safe abs and core training.
From the anatomy of the trunk and abdominal muscles to surveys and researches plus the most effective exercises and the question for whom they are designed, this class discusses and demonstrates everything that is interesting.
In this workshop and seminar Jutta will let you know the secrets for an effective life style training and to reach the personal goals as well as the optimal connection to burn calories and work your metabolic system by looking at the latest and most important researches.
She will explain the consequent for an effective training program for your self and your clients and easy ways to integrate and use it.
Today’s main topic - Functional Training
Jutta will take a look at functional Training compared with other trainings strategies s well as different target groups who should and can use it. Also one aspect will be how to use it in Group Fitness and a lot of practical tips and program designs will be given.